Up to 4 AKCP wireless sensors can connect to a singe sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel. The sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel uses Semtech’s LoRa based radio technology, and the AKCP Wireless Tunnel communications protocol to allow rapid deployment for a large number of sensors within a building, offices and specialist areas such as computer rooms, warehouses, production facilities and laboratories.
Wireless Gateways for Ethernet, WiFi, GSM/LTE and LoRa Communications
Wireless Gateways provide IT and internet enabled devices with an internet connection via a wireless network and wireless access points (WAPs), or a 4G or 5G modem interface. These wireless gateways are used within a wireless environmental monitoring system to connection to their relevant monitoring software or platform via a range of technologies and communications protocols.
Applications (39)
- Temperature & Humidity (28)
- Water Leakage Detection (27)
- Server Rack Monitoring (29)
- Hardwired Ethernet Devices (29)
- Wi-Fi Connectivity Units (8)
- Wireless Devices (10)
- Narrowband IoT Devices (4)
- GSM / LTE Comms (7)
- Battery Monitoring (7)
- Branch Circuits (2)
- Power Monitors (28)
- Security Monitors (27)
- Data Centres (11)
- Data Loggers (10)
- Data Aquisition Systems (9)
- Accessories (161)
Wireless Environmental Monitoring Systems
A wireless environmental monitoring system includes:
- A wireless gateway to connect the sensors to a suitable software package
- A sensor connection point if this is not direct to the gateware
- Data collection sensors for the environmental condition being monitored
- A software package or system to display the data and respond to changes in environmental conditions
Server Room Environments provides serveral wireless monitoring solutions.
AKCP Wireless Monitoring Gateways
The AKCP wireless monitoring system uses a ‘plug and play’ sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel Server as its gateway. This can connect to a maximum of 30 AKCP wireless Tunnel Sensor Connectors (each with up to four plug-in AKCP intelligent sensors) over a LoRa™ network covering up to 1.5miles (3km).
Monitoring data from the system cab be displayed on a local web UI and graphed. Notification alerts are can be generated when the data falls outside of pre-set ranges via email or SNMP. An optional 4G cellular data modem allows for remote access and SMS notifications.
The AKCP environmental wireless monitoring solution provides a secure LoRa-based monitoring network, with Ethernet connectivity. Sensor data can be accessed using AKCPro Server monitoring software, MQTT/S, Modbus TCP/IP or SNMP for integration to BMS and NMS software packages.
RT Smart Data 4G Cloud Gateways
The RT Smart Data system uses a ‘plug and Play’ 4G Cloud Connector gateway to transmit data via SecureDataShot™ to a Cloud-based dashboard via Ethernet or a 4G/LTE connection. SecureDataShot is a proprietary sub-1GHz wireless communication protocol, made specifically for creating a scalable, low energy usage and secure sensor network. The tile sensors automatically communicate directly with the gateway. The 4G Cloud Connector requires a SIM card.
Typical Wireless Environmental Monitoring Applications
- Server rooms and Data centres
- Distribution warehouses and depots
- Cold chain storage and refridgerated warehouses
- Food preparation and processing plants
- Laboratories and scientific environments
- Industrial manufacturing faciliies
- Offices and meeting rooms
- Public buildings
A wireless monitoring solution can be installed almost anywhere there is signal and reduces the need for fixed Ethernet cabling.
For more information on our Wireless Gateways please contact our Projects Team.

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