Room Integrity Testing Service

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Room integrity testing to assess the integrity of a server room to ensure that a gas fire suppression system can operate successfully. Using Room Integrity Test equipment the engineers will create pressure in the server room and measure the pressure dissipation period with sensors to ascertain the Hold Time of the room. The test indicates how long a room will hold the gas agent for in the event of a fire. To pass the test, the Hold Time must be 10 minutes or longer. The test can be undertaken with no disruption to operations and people can continue to work in the space whilst the test is underway. The Room Integrity Test equipment is placed at the main door entrance to the room and may block entry/exit for up to 1hour.
Prices are for UK mainland sites up to Glasgow and Edinburgh, based on a day rate including travel time for a single room and scheduled with other works in the area in our engineering diary. The visit is carried out during normal working hours. Outside working hours visits can be arranged on application. For other locations or larger facilities please contact us for pricing.
Test Frequency
British Standards state Room Integrity Tests should be performed annually to ensure effectiveness of a Gas Suppression System. A Room Integrity Test is also advised following any changes to the room including for example, minor building work. Even the drilling of a small hole will require a retest of the room. Major building works or room reconfigurations may require the entire Fire Suppression System to be reviewed.
Relevant Standards
A Room Integrity Test is mandatory after a Gas Suppression System has been installed for the compliance to BS EN 15004. This standard also states a Room Integrity Test must be carried out annually thereafter. Standards for UK and US compliance for Room Integrity Testing include ISO 14520 and NFPA 2001.
Test Report
Following the test, our engineers will issue a report stating pass or failure. If a room fails the test, the report will identify areas for further investigation. Server Room Environments provides a complete design, build and maintenance service and can work with your site contractors and engineers to rectify outstanding issues.